Meet our volunteers
People volunteer at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for many reasons and our volunteers come in all shapes and sizes and from all ages and backgrounds.
Whatever their reason for volunteering, they all love being here and are extremely committed to the Trust.

When we poll our volunteers, 98% of them consistently say that their time spent in GOSH was very rewarding and are enthusiastic about coming to the hospital. 97% of our volunteers also said that they would recommend volunteering at GOSH to a friend.
Some people volunteer because it gives them the chance to meet new friends and develop their confidence and socialising skills.

Others volunteer because they have either been a patient or known a patient at the hospital and they want to give something back.
According to our recent Volunteer Satisfaction survey the top benefits of volunteering at GOSH are:
- "I wanted to help other people"
- "I wanted to contribute to my community"
- "I wanted to use or develop my skills"
- "I wanted to improve the patient experience"
- "Gives me a sense of personal achievement"
- "Meet people and make friends"
- "Gives me the chance to do things that I am good at"