Rapid Assessment Neurology Unit (RANU) - Alligator Ward

Illustration of a crocodile on a hospital wall with the words Welcome to RANU.

Rapid Assessment Neurology Unit (RANU) is a daycare unit for children and young people with neurological (brain) problems.

You may come to RANU for an appointment, where you will have scans and tests to find out more about what's wrong.

If your condition is more serious, you may come in for urgent tests.

RANU is a daycare unit, which means you will have your tests and go home the same day. If you need to stay in hospital overnight, you will be moved to a different ward.

RANU has eight beds.

Patients on RANU range from newborn to 18 years old.


Alligator Ward, level 4 of the new Premier Inn Clinical Building (PICB), part of the Mittal Children’s Medical Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

RANU Ward Nurses’ station telephone number: 020 7829 8805

If your child has any additional needs, please call in advance to let us know.

Who you will meet

RANU is mainly run by our team of nurses, who work closely with the doctors to help you get better.

We also have an admissions coordinator.

The following members of staff will be available to help you during your stay on the ward:

  • Matron: Lucy Thomas
  • Ward Manager: Kay Legg
  • Play Specialist: Lowri Morris

Conditions we treat

Some of the conditions we treat on RANU include neuromuscular disorders, central nervous system problems, movement difficulties, complex neurodevelopment disorders, stroke and epilepsy.


You can learn more about our clinical specialties by visiting:


You are a valued member of your child‘s healthcare team and we encourage you to take part in his or her care as much as possible while in hospital.

Mobile phones can be used in the cubicle, the parents’ room and the corridor outside the ward. Using them elsewhere can interfere with our medical equipment, and can also be disruptive to other families. You can use your mobile phone around the hospital but only in designated mobile-friendly zones.

There are also individual telephones beside each bed in the ward‘s cubicles. Visitors are welcome to call you directly on your dedicated phone line. To make outgoing calls, you can buy telephone cards in the hospital shop.

RANU has a well-equipped playroom and a play specialist during the week who organises activities. The play specialist can provide age-appropriate play opportunities and can help to prepare your child for the procedures that he or she will undergo in hospital.

For more information about facilities available for parents, family members, visitors and patients in the hospital, including the Chapel and multi-faith room, hospital school, activity centre and information on where you can eat or find facilities such as launderettes, please visit our Facilities A-Z page.