Eagle Ward

Eagle Ward is also known as the Kidney Care UK Centre for Children.
Our thanks to Kidney Care UK and everyone else who generously funded this ward.
Eagle Ward is on level 7 of the Morgan Stanley Clinical Building, part of the Mittal Children's Medical Centre.
Eagle Ward telephone number: 020 7829 8815
If your child has any additional needs, please call in advance to let us know.
For urgent enquiries outside of office hours please call the switchboard on 020 7405 9200 and ask for the on-call Renal Registrar.
Who you will meet
Eagle Ward is staffed by renal consultants, specialist registrars and specialist renal nurses skilled in haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The nursing team also includes Advanced Clinical Practitioners who work with children with long-term conditions and their families, and clinical nurse specialists for dialysis and transplantation.
Dietitians can advise on all aspects of your child's diet. There is also a psychosocial team, including a psychologist, family therapist, social worker and schoolteacher to support you and your family, plus a ward play specialist.
As children on dialysis are such regular visitors, school teachers come onto the ward and spend at least an hour with each child during their four-hour dialysis session.
The following members of staff will be available to help you during your stay on the ward:
- Matron - Claire Waller
- Ward Managers - Joanna van Ree and Robyn Parker
- Play Specialist – Charlotte Holt
Conditions we treat
The special areas of expertise include:
- kidney failure
- kidney dialysis including haemodialysis
- kidney transplant
- plasma exchange
We also treat other medical conditions such as lupus.
You are a valued member of your child's healthcare team and we encourage you to take part in their care as much as possible while in hospital.
Meals are not provided for parents, but food and drink can be bought from various places within the hospital and local area. You may want to bring in your own snacks and drinks. Parents are welcome to use the ward kitchen outside of patient mealtimes to prepare these.
Eagle Ward has a sitting room where you can go to relax and take time out from the Ward and make hot drinks and snacks – it also contains a fridge and microwave. Families can bring their own food to store here. However, in accordance with hospital policy we ask that all food is labelled with the patient's name and the date.
There is also a quiet room where you can talk confidentially with a member of staff.
The Ward has two playrooms – one for younger children and one for older children and teenagers. Both areas are spacious and have room for toys, games and crafts.
The playrooms are supervised by our play specialists during office hours but you will be responsible for your child at other times. The play specialist can provide age appropriate play opportunities and can help to prepare your child for the procedures that he or she will undergo in hospital.