National Clean Air Day

1 Jul 2017, 12:03 p.m.

Clean Air Day: person blowing bubbles into a cup of orange liquid through a straw, July 2017

Created to raise awareness around the importance of air quality and its impact on health, last month Great Ormond Street Hospital and GOSH Arts marked the inaugural national Clean Air Day.

To celebrate, artist Janye Wilton worked with children with respiratory conditions on Badger Ward to explore how we could record our breath and the importance of making simple changes in our energy consumption and lifestyle to help everyone breathe healthier air.

Children experimented with bubble painting which not only allowed them to see their healthy breath but also helped with their physio exercises as well. Children then created mono-printed posters to encourage others to take alternative transport, turn off their engines when idling and plant more trees to help reduce the carbon dioxide content in the air.

Important step forward in stem cell therapy for rare bowel disease

A new study led by researchers at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (UCL GOS ICH) and the Centre for Stem Cell Biology, University of Sheffield, has demonstrated the potential of stem cell therapy to treat those with Hirschsprung disease.

Traffic changes on Great Ormond Street

Please note Great Ormond Street will become one-way later this week.

GOSH Charity launches childhood-focused campaign

Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity has launched a new campaign highlighting the impact of serious illness on every part of childhood.

Planned industrial action at GOSH

Unions have announced that industrial action will be taking place at a number of hospitals in the coming months. This may include some staff at GOSH.