Refer a patient to the Neuropsychology Service

This page includes information about how to refer a patient to the Neuropsychology Service at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

How to refer a patient

Outpatient appointment

We can only accept referrals made internally within GOSH for children who have a confirmed neurological condition.

We welcome as much detail as possible in the referral information to help us to understand as to whether a neuropsychological assessment is indicated at this point in the child's care.

Please note that we do not offer assessments for neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

How to get advice

For patients known to GOSH

Please contact the Medical Secretary, Janet Bentham, on 020 7829 8679 Ext 0146, who will then redirect calls to the relevant Specialist Neuropsychologist.

Guidelines for making a referral

Referrals will be accepted from professionals (medical consultants, psychologists, other members of the multi-disciplinary team) for children and adolescents who have an identified diagnosis of brain disease or injury.

Referrers should provide a letter detailing the medical and the developmental history of the child or adolescent being referred. Any supporting documents including school reports or reports from therapists and other treatment records should also be included if available.

Key staff members

Co-leads for the service:

Dr Sara Shavel-Jessop, Consultant Paediatric Neuropsychologist

Dr Tara Murphy, Consultant Paediatric Neuropsychologist

Services and facilities available

The Neuropsychology department is a highly specialist service providing the following:

Diagnostic neuropsychological evaluations of infants, children and adolescents with brain disease or injury. Identifying cognitive and behavioural deficits in relation to areas of brain injury and defining the type and extent of special needs.

Neuropsychological reports and recommendations for medical, educational, and community-based professionals involved with the child and family. Outlining intervention programmes for specific disorders and methods of implementation.

Reports on specialised tests (eg functional MRI) to identify the functions of brain regions at risk of compromise because of disease and/or corrective neurosurgery.

Reports providing prognosis and long-term outcome prior to transfer to adult services.

Medico-legal expert witness assessments and reports based on integration of neuropsychological, medical and brain imaging investigations.

Feedback and suggestions

All general feedback and suggestions can be directed to:

Dr Tara Murphy & Dr Sara Shavel-Jessop
Neuropsychology Service
Level 5 Southwood Building
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Great Ormond Street

Telephone number: 020 7829 8679