Clinics and services related to Great Ormond Street Hospital Neurodisability Service
The Great Ormond Street Hospital Neurodisability Service runs a number of services and clinics. Your doctor will explain to you which clinic your child will attend.
These include:
- Botulinum Toxin Clinic
- The Developmental and Augmentative Communication Service - including assessment of developmental and communication difficulties and assessment for assistive communication technology.
- Developmental Epilepsy Clinic - includes a service for children with developmental disability secondary to epilepsy (eg Landau Kleffner Syndrome) and assessment prior to epilepsy surgery.
- Developmental Vision Clinic
- Dysphagia Service
- Movement Disorder Service - a combined neurology and orthopedics clinic for the assessment of movement disorders including cerebral palsy.
- Neurodevelopmental Assessment Service - includes the autism and social communication disorders clinic and the developmental disorder and learning difficulty service.
- Neurometabolic Clinic
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta Service - includes an outreach service.
- Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Service - this service offers an additional opinion regarding assessment, diagnosis, prognosis and management of children with locomotor or movement disorders of neurological origin, including spasticity or dystonia.
- Sturge-Weber Clinic - provides specialist expertise in the assessment and management of children with Sturge-Weber syndrome and associated medical and developmental problems.
- Social Communication & Autism Spectrum Service- for second opinion assessment of autism in children without intellectual disability and/or mental health disorders