Clinics for electrophysiology service

Access all the details to our five clinics.

Complex Arrhythmia Clinic—this is a consultant-led clinic, supported by junior doctors, as well as a nurse practitioner and a nurse specialist.

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Arrhythmia Clinic— we use this clinic for our patients who need to be assessed for arrhythmia, or for those who have had treatment and are being reviewed.

Heart Rhythm Devices—this clinic is consultant-led and is for the support of our patients who have pacemakers or ICDs.

Transition Clinic—this clinic is led by an adult consultant from Bart’s Heart Hospital, providing our patients with care and support as they transition between GOSH and adult services.

ANP/CNS Telephone Clinic—this service is available for one-off clinic appointments, where perhaps further information may need to be given, or greater time taken then a clinic appointment can allow.