Clinics and wards used by the Dermatology department

Penguin Ward signage

The Dermatology department at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) sees around 4,000 children each year as outpatients.We also see children as inpatients, day cases and in ambulatory care.


Dermatology patients are treated on Pelican and Nightingale Wards.


The Dermatology department run several clinics.

General dermatology

There are general dermatology clinics every day of the week.

Birthmark/laser unit clinics

Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Combined Clinics (Professor Harper): dermatology and rheumatology

Five times a year, normally a Friday.

Cutaneous mosaicism clinic


Dr Veronica Kinsler.

Epidermolysis bullosa clinic

Tuesday afternoon.

Dr A Martinez and Dr J Mellerio.

Multidisciplinary team clinic for very complex vascular malformations

Four times a year, normally a Friday.

Pigmentary service


Dr Veronica Kinsler.

Pigmented lesion clinic

Tuesday afternoon.

Proteus clinic

Three times a year, normally a Friday.