Contact information

If your child is acutely unwell, please seek medical attention from your General Practitioner or local Accident and Emergency (A&E) department. They will contact us for further information if needed, or can speak with the on-call orthopaedic doctor.

Appointment centre

Call this line for any questions about your clinic appointment:

Telephone: 020 7829 8880

Clinical Nurse Specialists

Our clinical nurse specialists can be contacted through MyGOSH or on:

Telephone: 0207 405 9200 ext 8132 or 7904

They can either help you with your clinical query directly or signpost you to someone who can help.

Admissions coordinator

Our Admissions Coordinator can advise you on the process and potential dates for your surgery.

Telephone: 0207 405 9200 ext 5224

Service Manager

Telephone: 0207 405 9200 ext 8477

Assistant Service Manager

Telephone: 0207 405 9200 ext 8145

Secretaries and Admin Team

Orthopaedic Admin

Andreas Roposch - Ext. 6050

Fabian Norman-Taylor and Deborah Eastwood - Ext. 8240

Sarah McMahon - Ext. 1158

Orthopaedic Ward (Sky Ward)

Telephone: 0207 405 9200 ext 0147

For urgent admissions outside of office hours please call the switchboard:

Telephone: 0207 405 9200 and you will be put through to the on-call Orthopaedic doctor.