Meet the team

The service lead is Dr Ruth Garcia-Rodriguez, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, and the multi-disciplinary team includes Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatry Registrars, Specialist Speech and Language Therapists, Assistant Psychologist and Undergraduate Psychology student.

You will meet with experts from a variety of these professions, depending on your child’s needs.

Professor David Skuse 
Honorary Consultant in Developmental Neuropsychiatry, Professor of Behaviour and Brain Sciences at Institute of Child Health

Dr Miriam Bindman
Principal Clinical Psychologist

Dr Pavlina Markomichali
Senior Clinical Psychologist

Dr Samantha Young
Senior Clinical Psychologist

Ms Abigail Mance
Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Ms Parisha Chadha
Speech and Language Therapist

Mr Sean Douglas

Locum Speech and Language Therapist

Dr Talia Eilon
Specialist Registrar, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Ms Lana Espina Mamode
Assistant Psychologist

Ms Megan Wood
Trainee Clinical Psychologist

Ms Vesta Adofo
Service Coordinator