Guidance for referring children to the Paediatric Dentistry service at GOSH

This is not a secondary care paediatric dental service.

We are a tertiary level service which means that we provide third-level specialist care, while secondary care is offered by local hospitals. We provide dental care for children with an underlying medical condition (as per our acceptance criteria) who are currently under the care of a medical team at Great Ormond Street Hospital​.

The service deals with the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral disease; dental and developmental anomalies; and dental treatment of children where close liaison between healthcare professionals is required.

GOSH provides a number of services to children throughout the UK through the National Commissioning Group (NCG). For some conditions we are the only centre in the UK to that is able to provide the service.

Prior to referring, please review our acceptance criteria below to ensure your patient is being directed to the correct service.  We encourage referrers to send as much information as possible, including x-rays and photographs where appropriate, to help support appropriate allocation of these patients and reduce exposure.  In the meantime, we would be grateful if you could continue to support these patients during this time with regular recalls, preventative advice and any acute dental issues.

Acceptance criteria

  • Children must be under 15 years and 11 months
  • Child must currently be under the care of a Great Ormond Street Hospital medical team for active treatment
  • Child must have a complex medical condition who require dental management prior, during or post their medical intervention (as per the definitions detailed in the ‘Paediatric Dental Form’)
  • Second opinions from secondary care paediatric dental services in certain circumstances
  • Requests for ‘Piggyback GAs’

Exclusion criteria

We do not accept referrals for patients that can be treated by a primary or secondary care dental service (dental problems that can be treated by their own general dentist, in community dental services or their local secondary care hospital)

  • We are not an emergency care dental service
  • Patients requiring oral hygiene instruction.
  • Molar endodontics for children will not routinely be carried out. We will provide a consultation regarding the value of early extraction and balanced extraction of first permanent molars in conjunction with an orthodontist when appropriate. Children will generally be returned to the referrer should RCT be required.

How to refer

We accept referrals from:

  • General dental practitioners (GDPs)
  • Community Dental Services (CDS)
  • Community Paediatricians
  • General Practitioners (GPs)
  • Secondary Care hospitals
  • Internal Great Ormond Street Hospital teams

Sorry, but we are not able to accept self-referrals.

Please complete the ‘Paediatric Dental Referral Form’ and send it by email (from an NHS email address) to:


Please remember to include any relevant X-rays taken within the last 12 months (with the date taken visible) or state why this has not been possible (​cooperation).

All X-rays must have the following visible on or underneath each X-ray when printed:​

  • Child's name​
  • Child's date of birth​
  • Exposure date and side of mouth (left or right)​

Without this information the referral may be returned. Our X-ray departments are very busy, and a patient's visit can be quicker if they do not need X-rays.​


Key members of the team include:​

  • Consultants​ in Paediatric Dentistry
  • Rosemary Whatling​
  • Kunal Patel
  • Specialty dentists​
  • Trainees​
  • Hygienists​
  • Clinical nurse specialists​
  • Nursing staff​
  • Administrative support​
  • Wider medical team support​

Contact information

Dental and Maxillofacial Unit - 020 7405 9200 Ext. 8905

Dental Medical Secretary – 020 7405 9200 Ext. 8907

For non-urgent:
