Clinics and wards used by the Craniofacial Unit

Information about clinics and wards at Great Ormond Street Hospital that look after children with craniofacial conditions.
Koala Ward
The majority of our craniofacial patients will go to Koala Ward after surgery. The ward situated on Level 5 of the Morgan Stanley Clinical Building (MSCB), part of the Mittal Children's Medical Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).
Puffin Ward
This is a new day admission ward and opened in March 2014. Puffin Ward where children come before having an operation. The ward is open five days a week, Monday to Friday, from 7.30am to 6pm located on the Level 3, Southwood Building.

Puffin Ward play room
We run craniofacial outpatients clinics on a Thursday afternoon from 2pm. Ophthalmology also run a craniofacial clinic at the same time.
On the last Thursday in the month, at 2.30pm, we have a joint, multidisciplinary clinic where we see children and families with more complex conditions that are coming up for surgery, or perhaps adolescents that are ready for transfer to an adult service.
Our clinics are located on Level 1, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine building (situated next to the main entrance to Great Ormond Street Hospital).
If you need to reschedule an outpatients appointment please contact the Appointments team on 0207 829 8880.