Latest press releases

The latest Great Ormond Street Hospital press releases are collected here. For our general news and feature pieces, please access our news area.

Jan Filochowski appointed as Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital

16 Aug 2012, 10 a.m.

Jan Filochowski, one of the UK’s most respected and experienced NHS chief executives, has been appointed as CEO of Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

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Comment on the procedure for complex end-of-life cases

14 Aug 2012, 9:21 a.m.

A paper authored by two Great Ormond Street Hospital doctors and one of the hospital's chaplains has been published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

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Great Ormond Street Hospital is in top three acute specialist trusts for research activity

6 Aug 2012, 2:01 p.m.

Great Ormond Street Hospital is one of the top Trusts leading the way in providing opportunities for patients to take part in clinical research studies.

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New research shows one in three children who survive meningitis will suffer after-effects

3 Aug 2012, 5:06 p.m.

New research published online in The Lancet Neurology has highlighted the long-term, often hidden, after-effects of meningitis in children.

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Olympic Games come to Great Ormond Street Hospital

3 Aug 2012, 4:13 p.m.

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) patients and their families embraced the Olympic spirit by taking part in their very own 'GOSH Games' on Thursday 2 August.

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