Funding resources to support patient and public involvement and engagement
Funds from our NIHR GOSH BRC and NIHR GOSH CRF awards contribute jointly to the delivery of our PPIE strategy, alongside additional funds provided by GOSH’s Research and Innovation directorate.
The BRC award will provide more than £430,000 over five years to PPIE activities. This budget includes:
- over £265,000 salary support for our PPIE Leads and Manager to oversee and deliver our PPIE activities;
- more than £120,000 to support travel and catering for events; payment at NIHR rates for time of PPIE representatives attending committees; laptops and encrypted recorders to support wider inclusion; merchandise for YPAG and events, and design costs for communication materials.
- at least £25,000 to support PPIE projects through competitive BRC funding calls.
In addition, all BRC Directors, Theme Leads and Managers, and our EDI Coordinator, and Research Communications Manager have funded time to contribute to our PPIE activities.
The CRF Award will provide £163,000 over five years to support PPIE activities. This budget includes:
- £138,000 salary support for our newly appointed CRF PPIE Manager and CRF Co-Director and Head of Nursing and Patient Experience,
- More than £25,000 to support PPIE events and involvement of PPIE members.
In addition, CRF Research nurses will provide additional support to YPAG, Research Play Workers will support the delivery of the new CRF Young Persons Forum, and Research nurses will support the CRF parent and carer’s user forum.
PPIE costs for individual research projects will be factored into grant applications. This information and guidance will be provided to researchers as part of their grant application process.
As our strategy develops, we also aim to secure additional funding from external sources to support wider PPIE activity.
Glossary of terms
Our strategies should be understandable for a variety of audiences but we may sometimes use acronyms or technical terms that you may not be familiar with