GOSH researchers receive UCL Business Award

23 Jun 2017, 12:57 p.m.

Professors Bobby Gasper and Adrian Thrasher, both members of the BRC senior management team, have been awarded the UCL Business Award, in recognition of their work on the spin-out company Orchard Therapeutics.

Orchard is a biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of gene therapy medicines for children with rare diseases. It was launched in May 2016 with support from UCL Business and a £21 million investment from F-Prime Capital Partners.

Orchard focusses on restoring normal gene function in immunodeficiencies, metabolic diseases and haematological disorders and builds on GOSH researchers' expertise in stem, cell and gene therapies. Read more.

Professor Gaspar is Deputy Director of the NIHR GOSH BRC and Professor Thrasher is BRC Theme Lead for Gene, Stem and Cellular Therapies.

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