Biomedical Research Centre news

New insight into when CAR T is effective against childhood leukaemia

24 May 2021, 4 p.m.

Scientists studying the effectiveness of CAR T-cell therapies in children with leukaemia have discovered a small sub-set of T-cells that are likely to play a key role in whether the treatment is successful

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International study finds gene therapy offers a potential cure to children born without an immune system

11 May 2021, 11:31 a.m.

An international team of researchers at GOSH and UCLA have developed a gene therapy that successfully treated 48 out of 50 children with a form of severe combined immunodeficiency

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MicroRNA from stem cells could be used to treat babies while still in the womb

29 Apr 2021, 3:11 p.m.

Scientists and doctors from GOSH and Toronto 'Sick Kids' have come together to take advantage of the regenerative properties of stem cells isolated from amniotic fluid.

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GOSH and UCL researchers receive funding to improve outcomes for children and young people with cancer

18 Mar 2021, 10 a.m.

Researchers at University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital receive £1.7m of grants in new Cancer Research UK-Children with Cancer UK Innovation Awards.

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MRI scans more precisely define and detect some abnormalities in unborn babies

17 Mar 2021, 10:57 a.m.

MRI scanning can more precisely define and detect head, neck, thoracic, abdominal and spinal malformations in unborn babies, finds a large multidisciplinary study led by Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital and UCL.

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