Research leaders of tomorrow

A lady with a blue facemask looking into a microscope

All our clinical directorates and services at GOSH are developing their own research agendas to improve treatment options, outcomes and experience for the children and families we see.

A team of dedicated clinical research nurses facilitate research and offer research opportunities to other nurses, developing the research nurses of the future.

Healthcare professionals at GOSH, like dietitians, physiotherapists and radiographers are also often research active, supported by our allied health professionals research strategy.

We are constantly looking at how we can better embed research in our teams and services. But we also know that our people are at the heart of our big ambitions for Research and Innovation and we want to do all we can to support them, individually.

This is why we have a GOSH Learning Academy for staff education and training, a Research and Development office to offer advice and coaching on research careers, and online resources to support individuals inspired to turn research ideas into research reality.

We also look for innovative ways to support our staff with research careers. All healthcare professionals are potential researchers and we are committed to ensuring all staff – whether doctors, nurses, dietitians or perfusionists – can get involved in research and are supported in doing so.

Centre for Outcomes and Experience Research in Children’s Health Illness and Disability (ORCHID)

One way we do this is through the Centre for Outcomes and Experience Research in Children’s Health Illness and Disability (ORCHID). It specialises in research that looks at the overall impact of health, illness and disability on children, young people and their families, and supports our nurses and other healthcare professionals to start or develop their research careers, plan and deliver research projects and apply for research funding.

Supporting early career researchers

Researchers sit around a coffee table, discussing and taking notes. A women in blue jeans and a green jumper, with square glasses speaks to the group

The NIHR GOSH BRC also has an established track record in supporting the career development of the next generation of high–calibre researchers in translational research for children.

They have supported more than 100 researchers since 2016 through a programme of pioneering schemes.

For example, the BRC’s Catalyst Fellowship awards, designed by early career researchers, address gaps to support junior researchers looking to transition to independent research careers, the Internship Scheme for nurses and allied health professionals nurtures and enhances research culture in these varied fields, and the Knowledge Exchange Programme funds researchers to bring back knowledge and expertise from other global leaders in their specific field.

Building up the next generation of researchers

A speaker in orange trousers and a red top, speaks animatedly to an audience listening and taking notes.

The many and diverse ways we support our staff have huge impact on our workforce, allowing us to motivate, train and retain the best research–interested staff.

Many staff who took their first steps through schemes like this are already forging leading research careers.

We know it is through building up the next generation of researchers that we will cement our place as a truly Intelligent Research Hospital.

Amy McTague stands in a black t-shirt and white lab coat. She has her arms crossed and is smiling at the camera, she has a short dark brown bob.

Dr Amy Mctague, Principal Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Neurologist

“I was a fully qualified children’s epilepsy doctor before I started on my research path but I knew I wanted to investigate the link between genetics and epilepsy.

I studied for a PhD in the genetics of early onset epilepsy and then I returned to GOSH where I was supported as a GOSH NIHR BRC Catalyst Fellow.

This gave me 18 months to devote to new stem cell models of epilepsy and meant I had the right experience to apply for a substantial fellowship from the Medical Research Council. By leveraging early support like this, I am now in a place where I have my own growing team based at the Zayed Centre for Research.

In this unique building we can collaborate with others and capitalise on stem cell and gene therapy expertise.

Patients and families can look into our sunken labs through the open ceiling, often waving as they go, and this is a constant reminder of why we do what we do. As the sign on the wall says “together we can do so much”."