Rod Scott
Professor Scott straddles the interface between basic and clinical science and lead multidisciplinary research projects, with scientific findings that potentially have major clinical implications. His strategy for investigating outcomes associated with epilepsy is to use a variety of tools in disease models, epilepsy-specific human cohorts and community-based cohorts. This strategy aims to identify priority disease areas to drive innovative research, as well as translating research findings from bench to bedside.
Childhood epilepsy, cognitive and behavioural impairments, status epilepticus.
Professor Scott graduated MBChB from the University of Zimbabwe in 1988, trained in paediatric neurology in London and gained his PhD in 1998.
Research Interests
Current studies include:
Addressing medium and long-term cognitive and epilepsy outcomes in children with a history of convulsive status epilepticus using neuropsychological and MRI based methods.
Characterising the nature of cognitive impairments in a population based cohort.
Establishing the relative impacts of seizures, the cause of the seizures and treatments on cognitive outcomes in children and rodent models of epilepsy.
Investigating the relationships between neural network measures and cognition in children and rodents and whether intervention improves outcomes in a way that is related to change in neural networks.