Owen Arthurs

Professor Owen Arthurs is a Consultant Paediatric Radiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) who was appointed in 2013, and leads Innovation & Research for Radiology.
“I am interested in improving our understanding of clinical imaging techniques to best serve our children. My research looks at ways of using imaging as part of the post mortem process for children, and developing novel ways of less-invasive autopsy. I am committed to providing an excellent imaging service to our children and to paediatric radiology teaching and training in general."
Owen Arthurs
Professor Arthurs performs all paediatric body imaging including radiographs, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, MRI and CT, with a particular interest in post mortem and non-accidental imaging.
He is also Professor of Radiology at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute for Child Health (UCL GOS ICH)
He is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading clinical researchers in children’s imaging and is a sought-after public speaker, and in demand as an expert witness for imaging in child abuse for the UK courts.
BA, MA (Cantab), MB BChir, PhD, FRCPCH, FRCR,
Professor Arthurs trained in Medicine at the University of Cambridge, and was awarded a PhD for his research dissertation on neurovascular coupling in 2002. He then trained in Paediatrics in the East Anglia region before becoming one of the first Academic Clinical Fellows in Radiology in the UK in Cambridge. In 2009 he undertook a two year jointly funded MRC/RCR clinical research training fellowship (CRTF) in Cambridge, developing new paediatric fluoroscopic MR imaging techniques, which won international prizes at ESPR and RSNA. He was awarded a Clinical Lectureship in Cambridge, and then a three month ESOR/ESPR paediatric radiology fellowship to the Hôpital Robert Debré in Paris, completing his sub-specialty training with a 15 month Paediatric Radiology fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.
Research Interests
Professor Arthurs was awarded a prestigious NIHR Clinician Scientist Fellowship in 2013 to develop perinatal and paediatric post mortem imaging. He was subsequently awarded an NIHR Career Development Fellowship in 2018, before appointed to his Chair in 2022, and his research team have developed a novel clinical imaging service investigating causes of fetal death following miscarriage and stillbirth.
He was the Royal College of Radiologists’ Roentgen Professor in 2016 and is a Senior Fellow of the Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management. He is active within the European Society of Pediatric Radiology (ESPR) in the Research Committee ( and
established the ESPR Post mortem TaskForce in 2016 (
Recent publications
Professor Arthurs has co-authored over 150 peer reviewed papers including several review articles and book chapters and won several awards in national/international competition.
For all publication by Owen Arthurs please follow the links:
Please contact Professor Owen Arthurs through the hospital switchboard 020 7405 9200 (ext 5548)