Dr. Oliver Marmoy

Dr Oliver Marmoy is a Specialist Clinical Scientist in Visual Electrophysiology & Ocular Imaging at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).


Visual Electrophysiology, Neurophysiology and Ophthalmic Imaging.


Oliver originally studied Human Physiology before completing his Masters at Aston University in Clinical Neurophysiology. He continued his interest in Clinical Neurophysiology and specialised in Visual Electrophysiology, completing his doctorate (DClinSci) in Neurophysiological Sciences at the Manchester Academy for Healthcare Sciences as part of the nationally HEE funded Higher Specialist Scientific Training (HSST) programme. He is a HCPC registered clinical scientist and AHCS registered Higher Specialist Scientist.

Oliver is a Specialist Clinical Scientist in Visual Electrophysiology and leads the ophthalmic imaging service at GOSH.

Outside of his clinical roles he is also the Professional Liaison officer for BriSCEV and a national assessor for the Academy of HealthCare Science (AHCS) in Neurophysiology and OVS.

Research Interests

Oliver's research interests are the use of visual electrophysiology and ophthalmic imaging to diagnose, understand and monitor disease, some projects include:

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