Debbie Sell

Dr Sell’s specialisms include speech disorders associated with cleft lip and palate, nasal sounding speech, perceptual and instrumental assessment, speech prosthetics and 22q11 Deletion Syndrome. She has led on developing and testing speech outcome tools in cleft palate/VPI, setting standards for measuring surgically related speech outcomes and has been involved in several multicentre national and international studies of speech outcome (Eurocleft, UK CSAG, CCUK and the Americleft studies).
ORCHID (GOSH); associated with the North Thames Regional Cleft Service and the Speech and Language Therapy Department.
Research Interests
Debbie’s current research includes:
- Parents undertaking articulation therapy in children with cleft palate, supported by therapists and technology; a collaboration with colleagues in Dublin, known as Speech at Home
- Speech outcomes in 3 year olds with cleft palate
- Development of training programmes e.g. “training the trainer”
- Using the everyday clinical setting to create evidence e.g. through single case experimental design