Staff A-Z

We have passionate and committed staff dedicated to caring for the children at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Jonathan Smith

Dr Jonathan Smith is a Consultant paediatric anaesthetist.He has worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in the anaesthetic department since 2004.

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Joseph Curry

Mr Joseph Curry is the senior Consultant Neonatal and Specialist Paediatric Colorectal Surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

He trained in the South East of England training consortium and was awarded the British Association of Paediatric Surgeon…

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Juan Pablo Kaski MD(Res)

Dr Kaski is a consultant paediatric cardiologist and the lead (Director) of the Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases Unit.

He has been working in the field of inherited cardiovascular disease since 2004, and was appointed to his current post in November…

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Jugnoo Rahi

Jugnoo is a practising ophthalmologist and an epidemiologist. She is an Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist, and Professor of Ophthalmic Epidemiology at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Health and the UCL Institute of ophthalmology. 

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Juliet Leigh

Juliet Leigh is a specialist speech and language therapist. She has worked for the Speech and Language Therapy Department at Great Ormond Street Hospital since 2013.
  • Speech and Language Therapy assessment and targeted intervention for children and ad…

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