Update regarding recent media coverage

15 Sep 2024, 10 a.m.

This weekend there has been further coverage of the Orthopaedic Service review underway at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

We know that the patients and families affected will be extremely distressed by the issues raised in the review and the subsequent media coverage. We understand this time is worrying for those involved,  and we are taking the issues raised incredibly seriously. This is not what anyone should expect from any service at our hospital and we wish to say we are deeply sorry.

In 2022 we asked the Royal College of Surgeons to review our Paediatric Orthopaedic Service, after concerns were raised by a number of our patient families and staff. We have an extensive programme of work underway to address the recommendations of the report, which is overseen by external experts and NHS England, including commissioning a review of more patients.

Our priority is ensuring that all patients have their care reviewed thoroughly and we are working through the group of patients to understand any issues with their care. This is a complex task and is taking some time.

Is my child’s care in question?

We have written directly to all patients and their families whose care is being reviewed. Any information contained in the Royal College of Surgeons report that relates to an individual patient has already been shared with them and their families. As we complete case reviews, the outcomes of these will be shared with the patient and their family. Please be assured you would have already been contacted if your care was being investigated.

The surgeon who is the main focus of the media coverage has not worked at GOSH since 2022.

Reviews into services or individuals are an important part of our work to ensure the safety and quality of our services. We will ensure that the all the findings of this review are addressed at pace, and we will reflect on any wider learnings around our culture.

We would encourage any patient or family member who has concerns about their care to contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service who can assist you. They can be contacted on 0207 829 7862  or pals@gosh.nhs.uk