Take part in our young person's art competition
4 Mar 2024, 10:50 a.m.
Do you have a creative flair? Enjoying drawing or painting? Have a talent for designing digital artwork or graphics? If you're a GOSH patient, over the age of 12, then this is the competition for you!
We are looking to update our website with a dedicated space which contains information and resources for teenagers visiting GOSH.
As part of the redevelopment, we're asking GOSH patients to help us by designing artwork to feature on this section of the site.
Take part in the competition
There are nine competition categories centred around being a young person at GOSH that you can create artwork for. There is no limit to the way in which you create your artwork, whether that is a painting, drawing, collage, or digital image.
The competition is open to all young patients at GOSH and their siblings, over the age of 12-years-old.
The winner of each category will not only have their artwork displayed on the GOSH website, they will also be awarded with one of our fantastic prizes!
Submit your creation by by Tuesday 30 April 2024.
Competition catagories
Adolescent Health
'Adolescent' is another term for teenager or young person. For this theme, we are looking to develop a new logo for the webpage that incorporates the title 'Adolescent Health'.
Medicine Management
This could be an design of different medications, or how you manage your own medications to keep on track each day.
Feeling Unwell
What does feeling unwell mean to you? How would you draw this feeling? Or maybe draw what you would do if you are unwell, for example, snuggle up on the sofa for the day.
Asking Questions
How would you ask questions to the doctors, nurses or team that is looking after you? What makes you think about asking questions? What image can you create that illustrates questions?
Healthcare workers
Think about who you interact with when you come to hospital, and the different members of the team that you meet. Create an image to showcase these people.
Making your own choices
What does making your own choice mean to you? This could be having conversations in clinic by yourself or choices that you make about your health, outside of hospital. How would this look as an image?
Growing Up
How would you show 'growing up' through art - changing from being a child to a teenager, and then to an adult?
Hospitals and Healthcare
How can we be creative in thinking about hospitals? Think about GOSH or other hospitals you've visited to draw ideas from.
Think about your voice, how do you like to communicate with staff and have your voice heard about your health. This could be through MyGOSH, appointments, messages or talking.
Apply for the website artwork competition
Designs should be sent to the following email address by Tuesday 30 April 2024.
If you are an inpatient at GOSH, then please contact us by email and a member of the team will collect your artwork.
Further information
- The winning entries will be displayed on
- Winners will be contacted via the email address provided for submission
- Please make sure that photos of artwork are of a good quality and resolution - this includes work created digitally
- Prizes for this competition have kindly been donated

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