Say hello to the latest Council of Governors
30 Mar 2021, 3:40 p.m.
Last year, the GOSH Memberships team began the elections process to appoint a new Council of Governors to represent our members plus the constituencies they come from. We're pleased to announce that the results are in! Our new Governors began their official appointments on Monday 1st March 2021 and we’d like you to meet a few of them.

Emma Beeden
I’m a patient from the Home Counties who has been cared for by GOSH for my entire childhood. People describe me as confident, determined and passionate and I love to read! In my role as patient governor, I am looking forward to seeing how the hospital changes during my term. The hospital is always evolving and changing. From when I first came to the hospital to what it’s like now is very different and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Gavin Todd
I’m a Parent/Carer Governor and being a governor means I can give something back to GOSH, which has and continues to do amazing things for my family and for society. I simply admire all the people that make up GOSH and what GOSH achieves that makes such a difference which is why I look forward to actively listening, learning and engaging with the membership to enable the ongoing improvement of the services for patients, their families, carers and staff.

Roly Seal
I’m Roly, a newly elected Public Governor at GOSH. I’m friendly, hardworking and resourceful and outside of work, I enjoy playing tennis and golf, with varying degrees of success!
I am proud to be given the opportunity to be a Governor at such a world leading institution. My family have directly benefited from GOSH’s work as my cousin would not be here now had it not been for the skill and dedication of GOSH staff. The lasting impact I would like to leave as a governor is that ultimately, children would rather be out of hospital than in. Working as a Governor will hopefully allow me to make suggestions behind the scenes that will make hospital stays for children and parents that bit more bearable.

Quen Mok
Dr Quen Mok is an expert in paediatric and neonatal intensive care, having worked as a Consultant Intensivist at GOSH since 1993. She has seen the PICU build up from eight beds with three consultants, to the largest PICU in UK.
"I'm a re-elected staff governor. Having been a governor on the previous Council, I look forward to once again being able to contribute effectively to the future direction of GOSH and also being closely involved with holding the Non-Executive Directors to account," she says.