Opening our new digital hub for healthcare

11 Oct 2018, 12:28 p.m.

Guests at the DRIVE Opening Event, October 2018

Last night we launched DRIVE – Digital Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments – a digital hub set to transform the use of technology in healthcare and improve patient outcomes at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and beyond.

DRIVE is a result of a unique partnership between GOSH, University College London (UCL) and leading industry experts in technology, artificial intelligence and digital innovation.

Projects which have already come through DRIVE and are being used within the hospital include Project Fizzyo – a tool which is helping researchers look at how physical activity affects the health of children with cystic fibrosis.

Through DRIVE, the whole of GOSH has been recreated in Minecraft – patients can explore the hospital virtually before they visit in real life.

The DRIVE team is working with industry leaders to ensure the latest in technology and digital developments will be developed, appraised and implemented into a clinical setting at pace.

'Safer, better and kinder care'

As Dr Shankar Sridharan, Clinical Director of DRIVE, explained:“The aim is to use technology and data to provide safer, better (data driven) and kinder care, that is clinician-focussed and patient-centred. DRIVE is the how and provides the capability to develop scalable solutions to improve healthcare. GOSH patients are digital natives which means they and their families are early adopters of technologies. They will naturally embrace the new devices and apps the unit develops. These young people are our future in so many ways – and of course the future patients of the NHS for the next 50 years.”

DRIVE has also had support from Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. Tim Johnson, Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the hospital to pioneer the use of digital technology that will help children at GOSH and more broadly. We believe this will be one of the most transformative projects we’ve ever funded; one that will change the lives of patients, families and clinicians, and help herald in a new era of medical research and tailored care.”

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Studying the impact of environments on child health by linking big data

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Blood test and AI could predict Parkinson’s seven years before symptoms

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