Inquest of Amy Allan - updated statement

17 Jan 2020, 11:03 a.m.

Black line drawing of a child smiling, with the words "NHS Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust", written in blue and black text.

Following the inquest into the death of Amy Allan in September 2019 and the subsequent Preventing Future Deaths report given to Great Ormond Street Hospital by the Coroner, Chief Executive Matthew Shaw would like to provide an update on the work that has been done to address the concerns that were raised.

Matthew Shaw, Chief Executive at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“We know Amy didn’t get the level of care she needed, and we are deeply sorry for that. We have taken our responsibility to learn from what happened very seriously.

“We have reviewed the events which led to her death. We recognise that we made mistakes, and that we must learn and improve as a result.

“We are making a number of changes to the way we provide care. These include:

  • Ensuring we have the right people present at the right times in our multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meetings to share clinical information effectively between teams. We started with the Spinal MDT, but this is being rolled out to all MDTs in early 2020
  • Recording MDTs on the new electronic patient record which we launched in April 2019. This  means that the outcome of the discussion is accessible in the patient record for all staff looking after the patient
  • Improving the ways we communicate between teams in the days and weeks ahead of high risk admissions as well as on the day. This will include a phased expansion of our Anaesthetic Pre-Operative Assessment (APOA) service through 2020
  • Introducing new processes for all of our surgical specialties to make sure the care of patients, like Amy, who have both complex surgical needs and heart conditions and who may need ECMO support (the use of an artificial lung located outside the body that puts oxygen into the blood and continuously pumps) are routinely considered by the hospital’s specialist joint cardiac conference.
“It is very important we learn from cases like Amy’s. Our patients and their families expect and deserve the best possible treatment and care. We are completely committed to providing this.”

See our previous news statement from 1 October 2019.