Hospital website homepage is changing

20 Mar 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Website displayed on tablet

Exciting changes are afoot on the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) website (  ​

As part of a careful, user-centred research project, we will be making small and frequent improvements to the website in the next couple of months. Huge thanks to all of you, who participated in the surveys, interviews and workshops to get the website to this point.

The first major change is to place a new video/image banner on the homepage. The unresponsive carousel of images has been replaced with a single engaging video, which brings to life the hospital experience. This video/image will be updated regularly to reflect the vital services the hospital provides. It will change dependent on what patients, parents and their families tell us they want to see.

Rest assured all the content links which featured in the carousel previously can be found, either from the top navigation or from the content areas listed on the current homepage.

Keep your eyes peeled for more significant changes and if you have any questions and feedback, please contact

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