Hospital team ready to race for the kids

21 Sep 2017, 12:29 p.m.

Genetics Team

Genetic Athletics are a five-person-strong team representing Great Ormond Street Hospital’s (GOSH) Genetics department at this year’s RBC Race for the Kids to raise money for GOSH.

“I’m really proud that I’m able to support the hospital I work in – a hospital that does so much great work for children,” says team captain Emilia.

Snappy name

“It’s nice as a staff member to feel like you’re doing something outside of work but still have a positive impact on the place that you work,” says Sarah, Emilia’s colleague and Genetic Athletics teammate.

“We can’t wait for the big day,” says Emilia. “It’s great for our team to be involved in an event that raises money for GOSH while boosting the hospital’s profile at the same time.

“We’ll be seen by the people wearing our GOSH Children’s Charity T-shirts on race day, so everyone who supports us will learn more about the hospital and the great work we do. I think events like RBC Race for the Kids help build the GOSH reputation and encourage people to donate.”

Genetic pioneers

Emilia and Sarah will be running RBC Race for the Kids alongside their colleagues Kate, Jana and Rebecca, who work together in the Genetics team of the hospital’s NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN), where they help patients and families to participate in relevant clinical trials.

“As the data manager, I support research associates in the data management of the studies we run,” says Emilia. “I also liaise with research nurses and healthcare professionals.”

Sarah is a genetic counsellor: “We support research studies that have a specific genetic focus,” she says. “Some of the team are involved in getting patients’ consent for research opportunities. Others manage the studies and make sure we have the best data available to them.”

Sticking together

Emilia’s inspiration comes from getting out there to run for the cause. “I feel more motivated to go training when I know I’m supporting the hospital,” she says. “We’re planning to run together, so it’s nice to be working as a team outside of the hospital as well.”

Although Emilia has never run RBC Race for the Kids before, she has taken part in a couple of other 5k races. “It’s always a great sense of unity between runners because you’re surrounded by like-minded people.”

Morale boosting

Sarah says training for RBC Race for the Kids has been great for morale in their department. “It’s a really good team-building exercise within your department if you have a group of people taking part in some sort of extra-curricular activity.”

As captain, Emilia has a simple message for her team enjoy the day: "Have fun, and don’t stress yourself about the distance because it doesn’t matter if you walk it, jog it or run it. We’re supporting a great cause – and that’s the most important thing.”

Get involved

Join, Emilia, Sarah and the rest of team Genetic Athletics at RBC Race for the Kids – sign up now at

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