GOSH statement on the sentencing of a former member of staff 24.05.21

24 May 2021, 12:10 p.m.

A spokesperson for Great Ormond Street Hospital said:

"The hearings last week have shown the devastating impact of these terrible crimes and our thoughts remain with the brave victims and their families whose stories have been shared in court.

"The sentence passed today speaks to the dreadful nature of the offences, which have led to so much suffering for so many people.

“While we have heard in court that Paul Farrell did not target children at GOSH, his association with our hospital is distressing for the hospital community. We are deeply sorry that he was able to exploit his position and use our hospital to commit some of his crimes.

“Our safeguarding practices will remain rigorous and under regular review and we are actively considering whether anything more can be done to prevent crimes like this.

“Although sentence has been passed, we are keeping open the helpline we have set up with the NSPCC for anyone who has concerns relating to the case, on 0800 101 996 or through the email help@nspcc.org.uk.

You can also find our previous statement on the case published on 12 March 2021.

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Planned industrial action at GOSH

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