GOSH Membership - join our Council of Governors
29 Oct 2020, 3:03 p.m.
Could you be on our next Council of Governors? Nominations to run in our January 2021 elections are almost open, so here's what you need to know.
In this short video, Zoe explains how important it is to be on the Council of Governors.
As a patient governor, Zoe is able to share her opinions on how the hospital is run, to make it young people friendly.
The governor elections are coming up at the end of the year, and it would be great to see some new perspectives in the governor meetings. It's a really good way to see behind the scenes at GOSH and learn new things.
We are looking for young people (aged 10+) to join our Membership committee, and to put your names forward for the upcoming elections, which look to appoint our new Council of Governors each year.
The role of the Council of Governors is important. Our Governors help ensure the views of the wider hospital community are communicated to and considered by the GOSH Trust Board. Governors act as the voice of membership and represent the membership to the Trusts Non-Executive directors, ensuring that the right questions are being asked.
You can become a governor if you're a patient, parent, member of staff or member of the public. Apply today or learn more here.

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