International Paediatric Onco-Critical Care Symposium (IPOCCS)
30 Apr 2025 9 a.m. to 1 May 2025 5 p.m.
GOSH Learning Academy Events, Hybrid
Conway Hall, London and online
Great Ormond Street Hospital are delighted to host the first worldwide meeting of the International Paediatric Onco-Critical Care Symposium (IPOCCS).
Course Director:
Dr Joe Brierley, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Dr Roelie Wösten-Van Asperen, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital
Event Overview:
This two-day symposium brings together international experts to discuss current challenges and advances in the field of paediatric onco-critical care. The goal of this symposium is to advance the care of critically ill paediatric haematology/oncology patients through improvements in patient care, multidisciplinary collaboration, as well as clinical and translational research.
Organised in collaboration with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care and the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology
The 2025 IPOCCS Symposium is supported by Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (registered charity no.1160024) (grant number: VS2512)
Learning objectives:
- See how Paediatric Intensive Care (PIC) & haematology/oncology teams can work together to ensure children and their families receive optimal care during periods of critical illness.
- Learn about the ideal organ support for children with haemato-oncological disease.
- Consider methods of decision-making with children and families facing tough situations, including use of compassionate unproven treatments.
- Learn how new medical and surgical approaches to cancer might impact critical care. e.g. What are the latest and future immunotherapeutic approaches?
Who should attend:
Doctors, surgeons, nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) working in Paediatric Oncology and PIC.
Onco-Critical Care Fundamentals Day
Tuesday 29 April, 9:00-17:00
An Onco-Critical Care Fundamentals Day precedes the symposium on Tuesday 29 April, with details as follows:
This educational pre-day will describe current literature and management of oncologic specific emergencies in critical care in all potential settings (including middle- and lower-income settings) and outline key differences between critically ill oncologic patients and critically ill general paediatric patients. Sessions will be lectures followed by an expert panel discussion. Please bring all your questions!
The educational pre-day is only available for in-person IPOCCS attendees. You can sign up HERE.
Event pricing:
- Face-to-Face Consultants (earlybird)* - £200
- Face-to-Face Junior doctors/nurses/AHPs (earlybird)* - £150
- Face-to-Face St. Jude/GOSH/Princess Máxima/Wilhelmina staff (earlybird)* - £75
- Face-to-Face: Students/delegates from low and middle-income countries* - £50
- Virtual Consultants (earlybird) - £175
- Virtual Junior doctors/nurses/AHPs (earlybird) - £100
- Virtual St. Jude/GOSH/Princess Máxima/Wilhelmina staff - £50
- Virtual Students/delegates from low and middle-income countries** - £25
- Face-to-Face Onco-Critical Care Fundamentals Day (Tuesday 29 April) - £50 (Click here to purchase a ticket for Onco-Critical Care Fundamentals Day)
Earlybird rates end Friday 28 February 2025, 17:00 GMT.
Standard rates, in place after the earlybird offer ends, are:
- Face-to-Face Consultants* - £250
- Face-to-Face Junior doctors/nurses/AHPs* - £180
- Face-to-Face St. Jude/GOSH/Princess Máxima/Wilhelmina staff* - £100
- Face-to-Face: Students/delegates from low and middle-income countries* - £50
- Virtual Consultants - £210
- Virtual Junior doctors/nurses/AHPs - £150
- Virtual St. Jude/GOSH/Princess Máxima/Wilhelmina staff - £50
- Virtual Students/delegates from low and middle-income countries** - £25
- Face-to-Face Onco-Critical Care Fundamentals Day (Tuesday 29 April) - £50 (Click here to purchase a ticket for Onco-Critical Care Fundamentals Day)
*Face-to-face tickets include lunch and refreshments.
** Delegates who reside in low and lower-middle income countries (defined according to the World Bank country classification of low income and lower-middle-income economies) can attend the course for a discounted rate. Countries that fall into these two groups can be found here: Low income countries and Lower-middle income countries - please scroll to the bottom of each page to see the countries included.
Please note that face-to-face registration will close on Tuesday 15 April 2025, 9:00 BST.
Virtual tickets will remain on sale until Wednesday 30 April 2025, 8:00 BST.
Abstract Competition:
IPOCCS 2025 call for abstracts is now open! This is your opportunity to showcase new research, cases and important practice in paediatric oncology critical care themes.
Abstracts about any aspect of the Pre, Inside and Post critical care of children with any form of malignancy are invited.
Three abstract categories to submit under:
- Open
- Four top-scoring abstracts invited for unopposed IPOCCS oral presentation.
- Remaining accepted abstracts presented as e-poster at IPOCSS. - Case report
- Top four case reports (interesting or complicated) will be presented in a session at IPOCCS – remainder join 3 below. - Online only
– If accepted, invited to prepare e-poster displayed at IPOCCS.
We are arranging for all accepted abstracts to be published in a medical journal.
Please refer to the abstract guidelines, and submit your abstract, on the Cvent Platform.
The deadline to apply is: Friday 31 January 2025, 23:59 GMT