MEET - Mock Examinations
At Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), we run an MRCPCH mock exam twice a year, which is based on the MRCPCH clinical examination format.
You will be able to experience the exam conditions and gain valuable experience on communication skills, history taking, clinical examination, child development assessment and time management.
In preparation for the MRCPCH examinations, we run an internal teaching programme based on the RCPCH curriculum. The teaching involves bedside and small group teaching and runs in the two weeks prior to both the mock and formal RCPCH clinical examinations.
GOSH Current Statistics:
We pride ourselves in being able to assist in the training of our future paediatricians, we accept candidates both internally and worldwide and are proud that over 82% of the doctors who have sat our Mock Exams, go forward to pass the MRCPCH Clinical Examinations.

Current MRCPCH Exam Circuit:
Based on the layout of the real exam, below is the structure of how the circuit will run based on 12 candidates taking the mock exams:

MRCPCH Clinical Exam Structure - Stations
What Participants Have Said about our offering:
Feedback provided has allowed us to gain invaluable knowledge to continuously adapt our mock exams so that they remain fit for purpose. This helps us to continue to build on delivery, ensuring patients, candidates and examiners have first hand knowledge throughout the programme which we will continue to maintain excellence within.