Junior doctors
We have over 300 junior doctors working at GOSH. Make the most of your time here by exploring our training and development resources.
Information for Trust Doctors on the appraisal process.
See our upcoming courses.
Important information for starting work at GOSH.
Junior Doctors Forum
Find out more about representation of Junior Doctors at GOSH.
All doctors who hold GMC registration with a licence to practice are required to go through the revalidation process every five years.To enable the Responsible Officer to recommend you for revalidation, they are required to review five completed years of appraisal history along with 360 patient and colleague feedback. Upon joining Great Ormond Street Hospital, you must ensure that you connect to the Trust as your designated body for revalidation purposes.
Revalidation is your own responsibility and is necessary for maintaining a licence to practice. All doctors who do not belong to a Deanery need to take part in the annual appraisal and 5-year revalidation processes within the Trust.
The annual appraisal must be conducted electronically on the GOSH Premier IT system. If you do not yet have access to this, or for information relating to your revalidation, contact Susan Harding (ext 4585, email
Should you have any queries regarding appraisals or revalidation, please contact the Revalidation Support Team at
Study leave is available to all junior doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Entitlement is dependent on post and length of rotations.
All study leave applications must be returned to the PGME department at least six weeks prior to the event date. All applications must be submitted by the 20th of each month.
Study leave funding can be used for courses, conferences and research activity. Any funding or leave not taken cannot be carried over. Study leave entitlement (days and reimbursement allowance) will not be approved, if it falls outside the current rotation or post.
For doctors in NHSE training posts, study leave the entitlement is calculated in line with NHSE guidelines. For doctors in trust appointed posts study leave will be calculated in line with the financial year.
Study leave is discretionary and it needs to be approved by your Educational Supervisor and your Rota co-ordinator.
Important notice
To be reimbursed for study leave, you must be able to show you are compliant with all your mandatory training. Should your submission not meet this criteria, you will be notified, however your application will not be processed.
Should your request for reimbursement be greater than your allocated study budget, you are able to apply for GOSH Learning Academy Scholarship Awards Funding. Please note this is a very competitive process and you will be required to complete the application for Study Leave Form in full. Should you require support with the application, please do let us know.
Study Leave and Funding Application
Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME)
Level 3, Weston House,
Great Ormond Street,
London, WC1N 3HZ
For PGME Corporate Team enquires:
Phone: 0207 405 9200 ext. 0066/ 1702
Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm