MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Paediatrics & Child Health)
The programme aims to support your development of the skills and knowledge, required for advanced level independent practice.
The combination of an individually tailored pathway and a strong emphasis on work-based learning will allow you to demonstrate the academic qualification, competence, and capabilities that are aligned to the Multiprofessional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England (Health Education England, 2017).
Due to the multi-professional, personalised and adaptable nature of the programme, it is appropriate for healthcare professionals from a wide and diverse range of paediatric and child health professions and settings. By completing the programme and transforming your role, you will work at an advanced level of clinical practice, with direct patient care at the forefront, with the other pillars of research, education and leadership/management in an unpredictable, complex and dynamic practice environment.
This can support you in delivery of high quality, safe, effective patient care and to initiate and implement innovative, person-centred improvements for patient and service outcomes.
Booking and further information
For more information and application details, please visit the Middlesex University programme page.