Neurosurgery admission criteria

This is a list of patient diagnoses which are admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) by our Neurosurgery team, the timeframe in which they should be treated and their estimated length of stay (LoS).

Health professionals are reminded that this information is for guidance only.

Emergency admissions

Children with the following diagnoses are considered an emergency and should be transferred to GOSH within hours from receipt of referral.

Diagnosis Estimated LoS
Blocked shunt 2 days
Cerebral abscess 10-21 days
Cerebral haemorrhage (admitted direct to Koala) 10 days
Cerebral haemorrhage (admitted from PICU) 2-10 days
Head trauma (admitted direct to Koala) 3-5 days
Head trauma (admitted from PICU) 2-10 days
Infected shunt 10-14 days
Known patients with post-operative complications 1-5 days
Spinal compression (eg oncology) 3-5 days
Tumour with decreasing Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 5-10 days

Urgent admissions

Children with the following diagnoses should be transferred to GOSH within days from receipt of referral.

Diagnosis Estimated LoS
Acute hydrocephalus 3-5 days
Open spina bifida 10 days
Other tumour 5-10 days

Elective admissions

Children with the following diagnoses should be referred to GOSH via the non-emergency pathway.

Diagnosis Estimated LoS
Craniofacial - post-operative 1-2 days
ECIC (Extracranial-intracranial) bypass 1-3 days
Epilepsy surgery - post-operative 3-10 days
Non-accidental injury - post PICU 0-5 days
Other (eg dermoid cysts, arachnoid, etc) 1-3 days
Spinal surgery - cervical spine 5-10 days
Spinal surgery - other spine (lipoma, etc) 2-7 days

Unlikely to admit

  • Deep brain stimulation
  • Spasticity and Baclofen Pumps
  • Spinal trauma

Reviewed by: Lindy May, Nurse Consultant. February 2012