
Neuroscience is the medical speciality under the care of the neurology and neurosurgical teams. They assess and treat children with conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. At Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), physiotherapists work as an important part of the neurosciences team.
Neurosciences physiotherapy services at GOSH
A referral for a physiotherapy assessment is made by the child’s doctor or nurse.
The neurosciences physiotherapy team work closely with other specialist services within the hospital, such as the Botulinum toxin service and Orthotics. The team has access to the latest research and specialised equipment, as well as a large hydrotherapy pool and a physiotherapy gym. We are familiar with treating children with a wide range of equipment such as external ventricular drains, wound drains, neck collars and halo jackets, tracheostomies and telemetry equipment.
We work very closely with the multidisciplinary team, including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, play teamand social workers, giving a holistic approach to care. The physiotherapy assessment can help make a diagnosis or help plan further treatment or investigations. Often, the physiotherapists will provide an individualised treatment programme following the assessment.
We have an excellent relationship with other hospitals and physiotherapy teams throughout the UK, and often make referrals to rehabilitation centres, local hospitals and community centres so that treatment can be continued after the child is discharged. We are also skilled in giving advice and support to other physiotherapy teams and can help identify the child’s ongoing rehabilitation needs.
What conditions are commonly seen by the team?
We see children who require physiotherapy with the following conditions:
bleeds in the brain or spinal cord (stroke)
head injuries
hydrocephalus and shunts
myelomeningocele and spina bifida
spinal cord untethering
congenital deformities of bones in the neck
unstable spines or necks
malformations of the brain and skull
abnormal movements
infections in the brain such as meningitis and encephalitis
abnormal blood vessels in the brain such as Moya Moya disease and Vein of GalenMalformation
developmental regression
Guillian Barre Syndrome
transverse myelitis
medically unexplained symptoms which affect movements and walking
What does the physiotherapist do and how will it help?
Conditions of the brain and spinal cord can often affect walking, balance, co-ordination, movement, strength and the child’s ability to play and develop. This is where a physiotherapist can help.
Children are assessed by chartered physiotherapists who are specifically trained and experienced in working with children who have difficulties arising from problems with their brain, spinal cord or nerves.
The physiotherapist may look at:
walking, sitting and standing
muscle strength
movement quality
joint range (how much a joint can move)

Koala Ward
A baby or child might be assessed on the ward (Koala Ward), in the gym, or in the play room on the ward. Young children and babies are often assessed while they are playing. The neurosciences physiotherapists will also assess and treat children on the intensive care units where needed, the Rapid Assessment Neurology Unit (RANU) and in outpatient clinics. A child can be assessed at various stages throughout their admission.
What sort of things might physiotherapy involve?
Treatment programmes can include:
positioning to optimise recovery
advice and education for parents, carers and patients
strengthening exercises
stretching exercises
balance and coordination exercises
activities and exercises to ease stiffness, encourage movement and help and optimise function
hydrotherapy (exercises in water)
training in the use of equipment that helps replace lost function or promotes independence, such as crutches and walking frames
walking practice and gait re-education
breathing exercises
What our parents and patients say
"We were told that Michael might not be able to walk after he had his accident, but the physiotherapists came every day and helped to build up his strength so he could learn to walk again."
Parents of Michael, 14
"We were shown stretches to do on Jason’s foot so he could find it easier to wear his new splints."
Parents of Jason, 11
"I hated having physiotherapy as my neck was so sore after my operation, but it soon got easier and now my neck is fine."
Mohammed, 12
"It was so useful having some ideas and advice from the physiotherapist on how to play with my baby after she had a stroke, which made the right side of her body was weak."
Mother of Sarah, 10 months
"It was fun having physiotherapy in the gym as I got to play football with my Dad."
Lily, 7