Procedures and treatments

Preparing a child for a procedure or treatment can be an anxious occasion. Great Ormond Street Hospital have produced a number of factsheets to help explain what will happen and what to expect.

Your child is having an MRI scan under intravenous sedation

MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This means that rather than using x-rays, the scan uses a strong magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to take very detailed pictures of inside the body. This information sheet from Great Ormond Stre

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Your child is having an MRI scan using 'feed and wrap' technique

An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan uses a magnetic field rather than X-rays to take pictures of your child’s body. The MRI scanner is a hollow machine with a tube running horizontally through its middle. ‘Feed and wrap’ is a technique used with youn

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Your child is having an MRI scan without sedation or general anaesthetic

This page explains about what happens when your child has an MRI scan without sedation or general anaesthetic and what to expect when your child comes to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to have this procedure.

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Your child is having a water deprivation test

The water deprivation test allows doctors to measure how concentrated your child’s urine (wee) becomes when they are not drinking. The test can take up to seven hours to complete. This page explains about the water deprivation test and what to expect when

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Your child is having his or her tonsils and/or adenoids removed

This page explains about what happens when your child is having his or her tonsils and/or adenoids removed and what to expect when your child comes to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to have this procedure.

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