Procedures and treatments

Preparing a child for a procedure or treatment can be an anxious occasion. Great Ormond Street Hospital have produced a number of factsheets to help explain what will happen and what to expect.

Total calvarial remodelling

Total calvarial remodelling is used to correct an abnormal head shape. It also enlarges the space within the skull to allow the brain to grow and develop. This page from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explains about the operation total calvarial remo

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Tracheal resection

Tracheal resection is an operation on the windpipe – the tube which connects the voicebox to the lungs. It involves a short section of the windpipe being removed and the cut ends of the windpipe are stitched back together.

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Tracheostomy ward decannulation

Tracheostomy decannulation is the process of removing your child’s tracheostomy tube and making sure that they are breathing well without it. This leaflet explains about the methods of decannulation used at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and what to

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Transition from paediatric craniofacial services to adult craniofacial services

Transition is a planned process. It aims to: Prepare the young person for adult services Ensure that when that transfer happens it is a smooth and staged process Involve the young person in decisions about their care and move to adult services This pag

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Treating amblyopia (‘lazy eye’) with atropine drops

This page from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explains how amblyopia – commonly known as ‘lazy eye’ – can be treated with atropine drops. This is a form of ‘occlusion’ and is an alternative to patching. It explains how to use the drops, side effects

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