Procedures and treatments

Preparing a child for a procedure or treatment can be an anxious occasion. Great Ormond Street Hospital have produced a number of factsheets to help explain what will happen and what to expect.

Posterior vault expansion

A posterior vault expansion operation is a type of operation used to enlarge the space within the skull to allow the brain to grow and develop. This page from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explains about the posterior vault expansion operation, whic

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Post mortem examinations

We know this is a very difficult time for you and your family and it is hard to be asked to make decisions about further examinations of your child. Unfortunately, these decisions often need to be made quickly and we want you to be able to make an informe

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Pre-admission appointment for cardiology

This page explains about the pre-admission appointment for cardiology held at Great Ormond Street Hospital and what to expect when you and your child attend one.

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Pre-admission appointment for cardiology

This page explains about the pre-admission appointment for cardiology held at Great Ormond Street Hospital and what to expect when you and your child attend one.

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Prenatal diagnosis of isolated congenital complete heart block

This page from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explains about isolated congenital heart block detected during a prenatal ultrasound scan and what this might mean for your child. It will support the information discussed with you by your doctor and nur

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