Procedures and treatments

Preparing a child for a procedure or treatment can be an anxious occasion. Great Ormond Street Hospital have produced a number of factsheets to help explain what will happen and what to expect.

Nasal nitric oxide test

Inside the nose and sinuses there are tiny hairs called cilia. The cilia beat back and forth to catch dust particles and remove mucus. In some people, these cilia may not work properly, which will lead to respiratory symptoms such as coughing or difficult

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Nasopharyngeal airways for craniofacial conditions

A nasopharyngeal airway is a small, plastic tube that keeps your child’s nostrils open, allowing them to breathe more easily. Children with craniofacial conditions may need a nasopharyngeal airway. This page from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explai

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Needle muscle biopsy for children with neuromuscular disorders

A needle muscle biopsy is a short procedure to remove a small piece of muscle tissue from your child’s thigh using a hollow needle. This page explains about needle muscle biopsy for children with neuromuscular disorders and what to expect when your child

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Nephrostogram studies

This page explains what is involved in a Nephrostogram and what to expect.

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Nervous about needles?

Lots of children and young people (and adults) are nervous about having injections or blood tests taken with a needle. We are often asked about how to make things easier so we have collected ideas for this page from the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH)

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