Conditions we treat

Want to know more about the conditions we treat at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH)? Just search below:

Head injury in children

Children are incredibly active and they have little sense of danger so it is not surprising that they are prone to head injuries. In addition, their heads are large in proportion to their bodies and therefore more vulnerable to damage than adult heads. Th

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Heart failure (severe)

Heart failure describes a situation when the heart is not pumping blood around the body as efficiently as possible. The term ‘failure’ can be confusing – the heart does not actually stop pumping. However, the heart is less effective at both delivering oxy

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Heart rhythm disorders

Heart rhythm disorders (also known as arrhythmia) are disturbances in the normal electrical rhythm of the heart (heartbeat).

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Heart transplant

A heart transplant can be an effective treatment for certain serious heart conditions but is not a cure. In many situations transplantation can lead to an extension of life with improved quality.

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Henoch Schönlein Purpura (HSP)

Henoch Schönlein purpura (HSP) is a disease where small blood vessels called capillaries become inflamed and damaged, producing a rash on the skin called ’purpura’. This information sheet from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explains about Henoch Schö

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