Hospital life - George's real story
When George was born, his mum Karen asked her GP and a local hospital doctor about his birthmark and was told that it would disappear in a few weeks to a few years.

However, George’s birthmark was very fragile and would often become dry and form scabs. One day he banged his head with another child and it bled a lot.
How other people would react to George also worried his mum, Karen: "There was an incident when George was a baby and a 14 or 15 year old boy came by, stopped and stuck his head right inside the pram. It was quite hurtful to see that happen."
Karen was concerned that he would be teased as he got older. She found the Birthmark Support Group and they recommended getting a referral to a specialist, suggesting Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).
At the hospital the doctors found that George’s mark was a rare type called cavernous haemangioma. It would not go of its own accord and he needed surgery.
His surgeon, Neil Bulstrode, is very happy with the result and how George has coped: "It has been great to see how happy George is following the surgery. He had been through a great deal with such an obvious mark."
George has recently started school with no worries, and he and his mum, Karen, are immensely happy with the surgery: "It’s brilliant now. George can go out on his scooter. I’m not worried about him falling and hurting his head. This surgery has made his life a lot better."