Annual General Meeting and Annual Members' Meeting 2024
Information about our Annual General Meeting and Annual Members' Meeting 2024
This year the meeting was held in person and online and was an opportunity to celebrate how GOSH is a very special place, because of the people in it.
It takes a huge team to care for one child or young person and think about a future where we continue to put the child first, always. You may have seen our Family Wall in the hospital which celebrates the pathway of four different children and young people and families, and all the clinicians and teams who helped support them through their journeys. In total, there were 226 staff members involved in the care and support for these four children and young people – across 36 different teams at GOSH! his year's meeting and highlights from previous years' meetings
Stars of the show
On the day we were joined by one of these families, Alyssa and her mum. In May 2022, Alyssa, became the first reported patient in the world to receive base-edited T-cells at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH), in collaboration with the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (UCL GOS ICH), to treat her ‘incurable’ T cell leukaemia. Alyssa talked about her incredible journey at GOSH, the experiences she’d had with many teams as part of her treatment and how this has inspired her to continue helping the hospital and other children and young people through groups such as the GOSH Young Persons’ Advisory Group (YPAG) for research which is also part of the GenerationR Alliance.
Children and Young People continued to be the stars of the meeting, as we watched a video of members from the Young People’s Forum talking about the most impactful teams during their time at GOSH, these included a vast range of services and why they are so special. We also saw Rose and Angela from the Young People’s Forum interview Tracy Luckett, Chief Nurse and Sophia Varadkar, Deputy Medical Director on quality and safety before giving attendees an exclusive listen to the Young People’s Forum new Podcast series due to be released next month. The podcast focuses on seven different topics to help children and adolescents better understand and manage their own healthcare conditions as they get older.
Highlights from the event
There were several speakers at the event:
- Ellen Schroder, Trust Chair reflecting on her first year at GOSH.
- Mat Shaw, Chief Executive looking back at our achievements and challenges during 2023/24.
- Sophia Varadkar, Deputy Medical Director talking about patient safety and our quality priorities.
- Tracy Luckett, Chief Nurse focused on nursing and patient experience.
- John Beswick, Chief Finance Officer talked about how the hospital managed its finances during 2023/24, and
- Josh Hardy, Deputy Lead Governor gave an update on GOSH’s Foundation Trust Membership and the activities of the Council of Governors.
A GOSH Patient and Public Involvement representative for research who attended the meeting provided this feedback afterwards "It was clear from the start and throughout just how at the core of the excellent work by everyone is the young people and their families and how everyone at GOSH works as part of the overall team."
If you were not able to join us on the day, don’t worry as we recorded the meeting for people to be able to watch at a later date and hope that you will be able to join us next year. You can also see the presentation slides through the recording.
The meeting will be held in person and online and will provide the featuring presentations showcase the teamwork and achievements of GOSH in 2023/24. Presentations will include:
- a welcome from our Chair Ellen Schroder
- the Chief Executive’s Report
- a feature story from one of our patients, Alyssa and how her treatment involved multiple teams at GOSH
- an update on Quality and Safety from our Chief Medical Officer and Chief Nurse
- a Q&A with a member of the Young Peoples Forum and an announcement they are very excited to share
- a finance update from the Chief Finance Officer
- the Membership Update from the Deputy Lead Governor
- there will also be an opportunity to ask any member of the panel questions.
Other information available from the meeting includes:
- Read our Annual Report and Accounts 2023/24
- Read our Membership Report for 2023/24

Previous Annual General Meeting and Annual Members’ Meetings
Find out more about the previous meetings.