Staff surveys

As a Trust we want to make GOSH a great place to work for everyone. So it’s important we understand more about the experiences of our staff and how we can work together to achieve this ambition.

We ask staff for their feedback through a range of channels, including the NHS Annual Staff Survey – one of the largest independent workforce surveys in the world. This is an important opportunity to ask our staff about their experience of working at GOSH and what they think we do well and the areas where we need to improve.

We publicise the final results to all our staff and develop action plans in response which are discussed with our Board and across the organisation.

2023 NHS Staff Survey

The results of the 2023 NHS Staff Survey were published on 7 March 2024. Staff responded to the survey during October and November 2023. The survey included questions on culture, leadership, reward and recognition, equity and diversity, health and safety and work life balance.

View the full Staff Survey results.

Despite a challenging year - continuous industrial action, operational pressures and the cost-of-living crisis have all taken their toll on the morale of staff across the whole of the NHS – the results show we continue to make good progress across a range of areas including recommending GOSH as a place to work and colleagues feeling trusted to do their role.

Read a summary of the headline results:

  • With a 54% response rate, more staff than ever took part in the survey - placing GOSH higher than this year's acute specialist average
  • We performed above average across many of the questions on learning and development and did well under the theme of having a voice that counts. We also scored 7.42 out of 10 for the 'We are compassionate and inclusive' theme - just above the London average of 7.2
  • Seven out of 10 (70.8%) colleagues said they would ‘recommend GOSH as a place to work’ – an improvement of 4.6% since the 2022 survey.
  • We saw a 4.5% increase in the number of staff reporting that they had access to opportunities to learn and develop (62.3% compared to 57.8% in 2022).
  • Eight in 10 staff (80%) said they would be ‘happy with the standard of care provided’ at our Trust if a friend or relative needed treatment.

There is always room for further improvement and work is already under way to address the issues raised, such as developing an action plan to make sure staff feel safe, confident and able to speak up on any area of concern. Speaking up is a priority at GOSH and helps us build a more cohesive, compassionate and inclusive place for us to work.

As a Trust we are committed to making GOSH a great place to work for everyone and will invest in the wellbeing and development of our people. This is a core aspect of our Above and Beyond strategy.